Water Bill Amendments - We Need Your Help!

The Labour Party's Water Bill is currently going through the House of Lords and we have concerns that, as it stands, it will leave the public with a hefty bill and the water system with little change.

We (The Sewage Campaign Network) have proposed four amendments which will improve it significantly. However, to make them a reality, we need the Lords to vote and support them. This is where we need your help.

We would be extremely grateful if you would take the time to e-mail one (or several) members of the House of Lords, asking them the following (which can be copied and pasted):


"Please support the following amendments from the 'Marshalled list of amendments to be moved in committee of the whole house':

  1. Put failing water companies into special administration. AMENDMENT: 99★_ After Clause 12, insert the following new Clause - “Special administration for breach of environmental and other obligations

  2. Stop the public bailout of the water industry (the bill currently allows for public bailout). AMENDMENT: 97★_ After Clause 12, insert the following new Clause - “Prohibition on bail-out of water company shareholders and creditors

  3. Reform the duties of Ofwat to be for clean water, conservation and reasonable bills. This brings English water regulation up to the standards of, and improves upon, the Water (Scotland) Act 1980 section 1 (The Bill currently puts growth before the environment. ). AMENDMENT 29★_  Clause 1, insert the following new Clause— “Prohibition of possible conflicts of interest 78_ After Clause 7, insert the following new Clause - “Water regulator obligations. Duties of water regulators for clean water.

  4. Put employees and bill payers on the Boards of water companies. This reflects the normal practice in most wealthier OECD countries for large companiesAMENDMENT 100★_ After Clause 12, insert the following new Clause -  “Governance structure of water companies"


Don't forget to include your name, address and contact details into the e-mail.

I have included a list of members of the house below. If you just e-mail one of them, it will be helpful. If you can find the time to message several, or even BCC the entire list, that would be amazing.

To avoid everybody contacting the same Lords or Ladies at the top of the list, can I suggest that you target the section that begins with the same letter as your surname, which will hopefully help to spread the e-mails more evenly.

Your help is, as ever, greatly appreciated as we continue to fight for clean water.

Ed Acteson



Baroness Armstrong - armstrongh@parliament.uk
The Earl of Oxford & Asquith (Raymond Asquith) - oxfordr@parliament.uk
Lord Astor - astorjj@parliament.uk

Baroness Bakewell - bakewellc@parliament.uk
Lord Beecham - beechamj@parliament.uk
Baroness Benjamin - benjaminf@parliament.uk
Lord Berkeley - berkeleyafg@parliament.uk
Baroness Bennett - bennettn@parliament.uk
Baroness Billingham - a.billingham77@btinternet.com
Lord Bhatia - bhatiaa@parliament.uk
Lord Black - blackgv@parliament.uk
Baroness Blackstone - blackstonet@parliament.uk
Baroness Bloomfield - bloomfieldo@parliament.uk
Lord Botham - lord.botham@gmail.com
The Earl of Glasgow (Patrick Boyle) - admin@kelburncountrycentre.com
Lord Bradley - bradleykj@parliament.uk
Baroness Butler-Sloss - butlerslosse@parliament.uk
Lord Cameron - camerone@parliament.uk
Lord Campbell-Savours - campbellsavours@parliament.uk
Lord Rupert Carrington - carringtonr@parliament.uk
Baroness Chalker - chalkerl@parliament.uk
The Earl of Shrewsbury - Charles Chetwynd-Talbot - shrewsburyc@parliament.uk
Lord Clark - clarkd@parliament.uk
Baroness Cohen - donaghyr@parliament.uk
Lord Collins - collinsr@parliament.uk
Lord Crathorne - crathornej@parliament.uk
Lord De Mauley - demauley@parliament.uk
The Earl of Home - David Douglas-Home - linda.bracha@coutts.com
Lord Duncan - duncani@parliament.uk
Lord Empey - empeyr@parliament.uk

Baroness Finlay - finlayi@parliament.uk
Lord Foster - fosterdon@parliament.uk
Baroness Gale - galea@parliament.uk
Lord Geddes - geddese@parliament.uk
Lord German - germanm@parliament.uk
Baroness Golding - goldingll@parliament.uk
The Duke of Montrose - James Graham - jeanetta@buchananestates.co.uk
Lord Grantchester - grantchesterj@parliament.uk
Lord Harrison - harrisonlh@parliament.uk
Lord Haskel - haskels@parliament.uk
Lord Haworth - hawortha@parliament.uk
The Earl of Kinnoull - Charles Hay - kinnoull@parliament.uk
Baroness Henig - henigr@parliament.uk
Baroness Hodgson - hodgsonf@parliament.uk
Lord Hodgson - hadowv@parliament.uk
Lord Hollick - hollickrc@parliament.uk
Earl Howe - howef@parliament.uk
Lord Howell - howelld@parliament.uk
Lord Hughes - hughesr@parliament.uk
Baroness Jones - jonesmag@parliament.uk
Jenny Jones - jonesjb@parliament.uk
Lord Jones - jonesn@parliament.uk
Lord Judd - juddf@parliament.uk
Baroness Kennedy - alicia.kennedy@parliament.uk
Lord Kilclooney - johnkilclooney@hotmail.co.uk
Lord King - Kingt@parliament.uk
Lord Knight - knightja@parliament.uk
Lord Krebs - john.krebs@zoo.ox.ac.uk
Baroness Liddell - liddellh@parliament.uk
Lord Lilley - lilleyp@parliament.uk
The Earl of Lindsay - James Lindesay-Bethune - lindsayj@parliament.uk
Lord Lipsey - lipseyd@parliament.uk
Lord Lucas - lucasr@parliament.uk
Lord Mackay - mackayjp@parliament.uk
Lord MacKenzie - mackenzieh@parliament.uk
Lord Marlesford - marlesford@parliament.uk
Lord Matthew Carrington - carringtonm@parliament.uk
Lord McColl - mccolli@parliament.uk
Baroness McDonagh - mcdonaghm@parliament.uk
Baroness McIntosh - mcintoshac@parliament.uk
Lord McNicol - mcnicoli@parliament.uk
Baroness Morgan - morgan@parliament.uk
Lord Morris - stevensonmm@parliament.uk
Lord Naseby - amnaseby@btinternet.com
Baroness Neville-Rolfe - nevillerolfel@parliament.uk
Lord Northbrook - northbrookf@parliament.uk
Baroness Nothover - northoverl@parliament.uk
Baroness O'Cathain - ocathaind@parliament.uk
Lord O'Shaughnessy - oshaughnessyj@parliament.uk
Lord Owen - davidowen@lorddavidowen.co.uk
Baroness Parminter - parminterk@parliament.uk
Lord Patel - patelkk@parliament.uk
Lord Pendry - pendryt@parliament.uk
Baroness Pitkeathley - pitkeathleyj@parliament.uk
Lord Puttnam - puttnamd@parliament.uk
Baroness Quin - quinjg@parliament.uk
Lord Rana - ranad@parliament.uk
Lord Randall - randallj@parliament.uk
Baroness Redfern - redferne@parliament.uk
Lord Ribeiro - ribeirob@parliament.uk
Viscount Ridley - ridleywm@parliament.uk
Lord Rooker - rookerj@parliament.uk
Baroness Royall - royallj@parliament.uk
Lord Saatchi - maurices@mcsaatchi.com
The Earl of Sandwich - John Montagu - sandwichj@parliament.uk
Baroness Scott - scottrc@parliament.uk
Baroness Seccombe - seccombej@parliament.uk
Lord Sikka - SIKKAP@parliament.uk
Lord Smith - master@pem.cam.ac.uk
Lord Stephen - stephenn@parliament.uk
Lord Stoddart - stoddartd@parliament.uk
Lord Strasburger - strasburgerp@parliament.uk
Lord Stunell - andrew.stunell.hg@parliament.uk
Lord Swinfen - swinfenr@parliament.uk
Lord Taverne - dick.taverne@gmail.com
Lord Teverson - teversonr@parliament.uk
Lord Thomas - thomasjl@parliament.uk
Lord Turnberg - turnbergl@parliament.uk
Lord Tyler - tylerp@parliament.uk 
Lord Wallace - wallacej@parliament.uk
Baroness Walmsley - walmsleyj@parliament.uk
Lord Whitty - whittyl@parliament.uk
Lord Wigley - wigleyd@parliament.uk
Lord Willis - willisg@parliament.uk
Lord Willoughby - willoughbyl@parliament.uk


6th March 2025 By-election


How to read the southern water beachbuoy website